The HACCP system is adopted worldwide, and its goal is primarily the added food safety protection provided to consumers.
HACCP includes several benefits to the food industry such as increasing Canadian and international market access (exports), increased consumer confidence and reduced waste.
We implement the HACCP system based on the Canadian standard FSEP published by the CFIA:
We also implement other similar systems such as:
We implement The GFSI recognized standards as FSSC 22 000, BRC and SQF which are required by several Canadian and American retailers. These standards require the involvement of senior management and all staff. They add management tools to the HACCP system to keep it in place once it’s implemented and ensure its continuous improvement. In addition to food safety, these standards require the implementation of other programs such as food quality, food defense and food fraud.
HACCP and GFSI are highly encouraged by MAPAQ generous grants.